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Jährliche Unterweisungen

Yearly instruction load securing (9YILS-24/25)

Yearly instruction load securing

With appropriate training in accordance with the regulations of the Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (DGUV) and yearly instruction, you are up to date with the latest developments and know where your responsibilities are. Accidents do not happen - accidents are caused.

You will learn in this training how to avoid accidents by working ahead and acting carefully. You will be informed about how loads can become life-threatening weapons. Trust is good - control is better. You have a great responsibility for your fellow human beings on the roads.

Content Load Securing Online Course

Overview of specialist certificate for load securing
Basic training & additional training
Legal basics
VDI guideline 2700
Company training
Accident examples
Fines for incorrect load securing
Load distribution plan
Responsibility of the loader
Physical principles - forces in driving
Vehicle superstructures
Code L - Standard body
Code XL - Reinforced body
Friction coefficient µ
Hazards and their consequences
Impact speeds
Loading of the truck
Payload calculation
Permissible total weight of the truck
Load securing aids
Lashing strap
Lashing angle and pre-tensioning force
Lashing angle table
Lashing calculator SpanSet
iGurt securing system
Where does load securing begin
Transportation by carrier or freight forwarder
Responsibility of the client
Checklist for load securing
  • Yearly Instruction Load Securing
  • Yearly Instruction Load Securing - Test
  • Alle Themen müssen abgeschlossen werden
  • Sie erhalten ein Zertifikat mit der Dauer: 1 Jahr